The Joint Research Center on Systems and Personalized Pharmacology specialize in systems and personalized pharmacology with the goal of 1) developing new reagents, drugs, and drugs. These will be used to better understand fundamental biological processes and to develop compounds and associated biomarkers that can be used for personalized medicine; 2) to increase the number of collaborative projects between researchers and research groups from Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica and the University of Ottawa; and 3) to train students and postdoctoral fellows.
We envision a broad research portfolio encompassing many topics of current interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and systems and personalized pharmacology. The Center will focus on activities related to TCM and other compounds, compound screening, microbiome, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases, cancer, systems biology, and technology development. Another scope of activities is directed to drug research for neglected diseases, such as Ebola virus, HIV virus and tuberculosis (TB). The Center will also provide excellent opportunities to promote the training of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of a joint effort by the two institutions.